TurkZeka 2006/2 パズル選手権
パズル No : 7
(? 点です)


Pentominoe Optimization - TZ

  6       5       5             4      

Fill the white cells of the 15x15 sized diagram
by using any of the six different pentominoes above without any number limitation.
Pentominoes can be turned or mirrored but can not overlap and can not intersect with black cells.

Try to maximize the sum of the values of the pentominoes that you located into the diagram
and enter this sum as your answer.

Also you are supposed to email your solution
to either turkzeka@turkzeka.com or yilmazekici@gmail.com after entering your answer within 24 hours.
You may send your solution in any common format such as image, Excel, Word.
Add your user name, password and the answer that you entered to your solution as well.
If you do not send your solution within 24 hours and/or do not add these required info,
your answer will not be accepted.

Don’t forget, you can enter your answer only once!

The owner(s) of the best score will be rewarded with 200 points,
and others who achieve to find more than 3/4 of the best score
will be rewarded according to the ratio based on the best.
(If the best score is 100, 76 will be required in order to be rewarded.

The bonus of the first 3-hours will be given if the score is in top 3 rewarded score.

Top solvers will be rewarded with daily bonus as usual (65, 60, 55, ... , 10, 5, 0),
but the others will be rewarded with a ratio based on their score.

Also an extra bonus of 80 points will be distributed among the top solvers.