All Comments


  11.Week  |  efb  |  07.08.2009 15:54:22
Emeği geçen herkese teşekkür ederim. 2009 yılı içinde bir tur daha yarışma düşünüyormusunuz?

  11.Week  |  admin  |  06.08.2009 00:04:06
Thanks Stefano,
I fixed the links of the last puzzle's solution file.


Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  11.Week  |  sf2l  |  05.08.2009 05:02:54

thank you for a great competition and an excellent set of puzzles. I am already looking forward to the next contest.
Just want to let you know that the link to "Solution of puzzle 10" as well as the link to puzzle 10 in the ARCHIVE still shows the solution of puzzle 9. Also, I cannot see any graphs showing the best solution of the optimizer in the excel sheet linked to in the COMMENTS section.


  11.Week  |  admin  |  05.08.2009 04:48:36
Certificates will be e-mailed to the winners; the 10 competitors with the highest points.


En yüksek skorlu ilk 10 yarışmacıya sertifikaları email ile gönderilecektir.

Yilmaz Ekici, ADMIN

  11.Week  |  admin  |  05.08.2009 04:46:37
You can download the score details file of the opt. puzzle from the link below. (Week 10)



Optimizasyon sorusuna ait skor detay dosyasını yukarıdaki linkten indirebilirsiniz. (10.Week)

Yilmaz Ekici, ADMIN

  11.Week  |  admin  |  05.08.2009 04:40:46
I congratulate the top 10 competitors and thank to all competitors for their interests and efforts.


İlk 10'a giren yarışmacıları kutlar, tüm yarışmacılara ilgi ve emekleri için teşekkür ederim.

Yilmaz Ekici ADMIN)

  11.Week  |  admin  |  05.08.2009 04:39:57
Thank you very much for your nice comments and words...


Güzel yorum ve sözleriniz için teşekkürler...

Yilmaz Ekici ADMIN)

  10.Week  |  cas2  |  28.07.2009 16:42:13
Dear Yılmaz,

Your puzzle competition is coming to the end.
I want to thank you very much. I enjoyed every minute of these 13 weeks.
I saw people answering those difficult puzzles in a few minutes. I saw people
making unbelievable scores in optimization puzzles. They were all very interesting for me.
Competing is exciting but it is also exciting being in a group like this.
Thanks for all your troubles carrying on this activity.
I think I will miss it.

  10.Week  |  admin  |  22.07.2009 00:17:20
Dear "AYK" and "puzzlez",
both of your questions are the same.

My answer to your questions is "YES".

Good luck to all competitors!


Sevgili "AYK" ve "puzzlez",
her ikinizin sorusu da aynı.
Sorularınıza cevabım: "EVET".

Tüm yarışmacılara başarılar!

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  10.Week  |  AYK  |  21.07.2009 20:43:48
Yılmaz Bey,
Siyah hücre olmasına rağmen yolu birleştirebilirsek yine de skoru 3 ile çarpıyormuyuz, yoksa siyah hücre olması bu kuralı bozuyor mu?

  10.Week  |  puzzlez  |  21.07.2009 17:26:16
Excuse me,

On Optimization Puzzle, if I made a closed path and a black cell AT THE SAME TIME......

Then, could I multiply 3 and divide 1 AT THE SAME TIME ?

  9.Week  |  AYK  |  17.07.2009 19:59:45
Yaylada kebap mı? 35 puan mı? Bu gibi ikilime bende çok fazla düşüyorum maalesef. Yarışma bizi sarıp sarmalamış durumda, sosyal hayatı etkilemesine izin vermeden yürütebilirsek ne ala ama mutlaka soru yayınlanacağı akşam başka yerde bile olsak aklımız burada kalıyor. Cumartesi akşamı planlarında önemli bir yeri var. Otel odasından wireless baglanmak icin neler yaptığımı bir ben bilirim :) Son soruda optimizasyona hiç bakmadan puzzle sorusuna yoğunlaşmayı düşünüyorum. Nitekim bu güne kadar optimizasyon sorusundan 165'ten yukarı pek alamadım hemde o kadar uğraşmaya. Neticede yarışmadan ve Yılmaz Bey'in sorularından çok keyif alıyorum.
Herkese son soruda başarılar.

  9.Week  |  torrent  |  16.07.2009 22:43:37

Taner bey'in yorumdan sonra yazmak istedim. Aslında ilk 1 saatte çözmeyi planlayan biri için 30 değil 35 puan kaybetmiş oldunuz. Sıralamada bence 2-3 sıra değil 1 sıra geriye düşebilirsiniz diye düşünüyorum. Muhtemelen ben sizi geçeceğim.(Tabi cevabım doğru ise.)Ancak sizin konumunuzda olsaydım ben de yaylada kebap yemeyi 35 puana tercih ederdim. Afiyet olsun...:)

Herkese başarılar.

  9.Week  |  taneryasa  |  16.07.2009 11:26:41
cumartesi hazırdım, pazar gece yaylaya çıkardılar kebap yemeye gece. 2:30 da döndük yarım saattede bitiremedik tabi sabaha kaldı. biz olduk 30 puandan.(cevabımız doğru ise tabi) neyse yinede 2-3 sıra düşecek gibiyim. son Week ya kaldı herşey. bu seferde ilk 10' giremeyecğiz galiba.
herkese başarılar.

  9.Week  |  admin  |  14.07.2009 21:46:30
Serhat Bey, öneriniz için teşekkürler.

Ancak geriye 1 soru kaldığı için bu önerinizi bir sonraki yarışmada hayata geçirmeye karar verdik.


Yılmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  9.Week  |  sduran  |  14.07.2009 11:31:16

Yılmaz Bey'den bir ricada bulunmak istiyorum.
Kitap hediyeniz ilk 10 kişi yerine ilk 10 türk yarışmacı için olabilir mi?
Yani her şartta 10 hediye kitabınızı gözden çıkartmış olsanız:)
-yanlış saymadıysam eğer ben hala ilk 10 türk yarışmacı içinde değilim ama olma konusunda son Weekya kadar arkadaşlar arasında böyle bir rekabet ve heyecan da olur düşüncesindeyim-

  9.Week  |  torrent  |  13.07.2009 20:55:36

I enjoyed this puzzle.Although I solve the puzzle,I could not be sure if it is correct certainly.But it was 01:57 A.M. and I did not want to lose 10 points more:)

Anyway...I am sure it is correct. Now, in my opinion I will be 13th again:)

My target is to finish between first ten players.

Good luck to all.

  9.Week  |  admin  |  13.07.2009 00:31:28

You don't have to use all the digits.
Good luck...


Tüm rakamları kullanmak zorunda değilsiniz.

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  9.Week  |  emrei78  |  13.07.2009 00:25:20
7 den başlamak iyi olacak sanırım ama yapamıyorum nedense

  8.Week  |  Voda  |  09.07.2009 10:07:41
To Milovan and Zoran - Yilmaz is very diplomatic. My view is: you are highly embarassing and grotesque with yours tergiversations. I know use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V too. But why? Are You pleased with it?
Zdenek Vodicka - Voda

  8.Week  |  torrent  |  08.07.2009 20:33:19
hello ,

I have spent a lot of time to solve this puzzle. Eventually I have solved.
When I look at names, it seems all my big opponents had already found the solution. I think that I will be 14th after issuing results. (I was 13th.)

Thank you for this nice puzzle Yilmaz.

Good luck to all.

  8.Week  |  majkl  |  06.07.2009 09:58:05
Solving the 7th puzzle

At start I use picture of puzzle and put it into MS Paint. Chains with same lenght I paint in same color. It is easy with fill tool, but puting and erasing numbers was pain(t)full. From time to time I broke one cell and filling leak to entire picture :(. Tanasic send me his form in MS Word with hexagon shapes. It was much easier to put numbers in it, coloring also.

It was difficult to find first solution. I start with 16-17 chains, conect some of them to remove breaking rules points, ending with 11-12 chains just to find that even then not all rules are satisfied...
But i got a filling...

Starting with almoust-solution I try to broke one chain and give tail to another, steal one cell from midle of chain and give it to another, erase 3-4 chains and put different configuration. Rules doesn’t alow to improve score point by point, but in jumps. Believe me or not, I found solutions with almoust all big numbers from scoring results table. And few more. I can even make pretty good guess where solvers put limits, make errors (just like I did in 4th puzzle...) and what solutions look like. I think that there are just one or two different solutions with same score. I know that when I give up with trying to do more, Tanasic continue to search trying to find solution with 19 chains. Unfortunately he didn’t succeed.

Put large chains in the midle, small to the edge. Use that ))))) nesting configuration (you can see couple of them in solution). Compact starting points as much as possible (look at solution, left corner with 6. You can see lines with 6, then 5-13-5-7, and 10-5-4-x-7-6-5). Use 5,6 and 7 “avoiding colision configurations scheme”. Use improving technique.

In good optimization puzzle you never know how good your result is. Exchanging information just of achieved score give us big push. My first goal is to be better then Zoran and Cheda :) But I am not so fast as thay are. I didn’t colect bonuses as they do. And I think that Cheda will be the winner.

I would like to hear what is your expirience and ideas for solving this and other puzzles.
If you have any other questions I will try to ansver.

Good luck to you all. I will try to survive 8th and 9th puzzle, and then see you at new optimization ;)


  8.Week  |  admin  |  05.07.2009 23:30:01
Hi Zoran,
Ok, thanks for you to enlighten us.
Same solutions with same format led to that we thought like that.(A copy, completely)

As Chaka's said, It is nice that this concern is imaginary fears.

Good luck for the rest of the competition.

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  8.Week  |  zorant  |  05.07.2009 23:08:49
Hello Yilmaz and Chaka
Sory because my bad english
My name is zoran and famous as zorant. Last year only Helen Roberts and I send answer at nine puzzles. Then nobody asked as do you same person.
This is not the first year when we take in competition. This is not the first time when we have same answer, as other competitors. On the 4th optimization puzzle were same answer from theother competitors.
Member of Serbian puzzles association is one big team, bat only Cedomir is member our the first team which will take in competition in Antalia.
We are from different cities
Cedomir is from Kikinda
Milovan is from Novi Sad
Zoran is from Belgrade
Best regards

  8.Week  |  admin  |  05.07.2009 22:43:11
Hi Milovan,
Thank you for your answer.

In that case, you and Zoran sent the same solution. (Both of them have same format: colours, drawings, shapes...)

But, there is no rule for against this.

So, you can solve yourself or with a friend or as a team, ...etc.
Or you can send same solution one by one.

Well done again, for your great score.

I corrected the mistake at the speed bonuses which are your and Zoran's.
(Yours should have been 35 and
Zoran's 20.)

Good luck to all contenders for the rest of the contest.

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  8.Week  |  majkl  |  05.07.2009 22:20:40

8. puzzle

i was so surprised with results for optimization one, that try to figure what is all about in those squares. I wait till last minute of first hour and post what i think that could be. I am not so good in that as in optimisations. Once more, in my opinion, 7th puzzle is the best puzzle this year. Even better than those on www.logic-masters.de

  8.Week  |  majkl  |  05.07.2009 21:53:09

First of all: 1,2 or 3... :)

You can find a lot of our enigmatic activities, informations, even pictures, on Nikola Živanović's blog at


so, definitly 3 different persons.
maybe i will meet someone of you at 24h puzzle marathon at Budapest this year.
I will be glad to see you there.

Milovan Kovacevic, alias majkl, somewhere known as mkl

  8.Week  |  admin  |  05.07.2009 15:48:40
Dear Milovan, Zoran and Cedomir,
Please answer the Chaka's coment.

We except a comment about these thoughts about you, from you.

When I analyzed this week's answers (8.th week),
I see interesting situation at your answers again!

I and most people doubt that most of the Serbian member are same person or something similar.

Please enlighten us with your comments.

Thanks in advance.

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  8.Week  |  CHAKA  |  05.07.2009 12:39:45
Thanks Yilmaz for great opt. puzzle.
And congratulations Milovan and Zoran for your great score.

By the way, I have one concern.
For 7th puzzle, Milovan and Zoran got the completely same score. but all the scores of other people were different.
I think it was difficult for two different people's answers to correspond accidentally, because this puzzle was very complicated and profound. I also wonder that the date of Milovan and Zoran were very close.
In addition, for 4th opt. puzzle, Cedomir and Zoran got the completely same score and the date were very close. This is the same phenomenon as 7th opt. puzzle.

I wonder about this situation. Do they make a team or are they the same person? I wish my concern is imaginary fears.

  8.Week  |  admin  |  05.07.2009 00:33:30
Goodluck to all of you, for 8th.puzzle.

Congratulations Milovan Kovacevic and Zoran Tanasic for your great score.

You can download the score details file of the opt. puzzle from the link below. (Week 7)



8.soru için herkese başarılar...

Harika skorları için Milovan Kovacevic ve Zoran Tanasic'e tebrikler.

Optimizasyon sorusuna ait skor detay dosyasını yukarıdaki linkten indirebilirsiniz. (7.Week)

Yilmaz Ekici, ADMIN

  7.Week  |  morpheus  |  30.06.2009 00:29:58
I found a solution eventually but i am almost sure that it is not the best solution.This puzzle is so challenging that one finding the best solution will get a great point and others only get few points.If you can piece a long chain , the score can also increase two or more times , but it is very hard to piece because the rules are too strong.And also drawing a new path is very hard.

No matter how difficult the puzzle is , it is a great optimization puzzle for those who enjoy solving challenging puzzles.

Thanks again, Mr.Yılmaz

  7.Week  |  admin  |  27.06.2009 20:35:33
Only one honeycomb cannot be a chain.
It is not meaningful. So, it is not in the rules.
A chain must have at least 3 honeycomb.
Even 2 honeycombs are not enough to form a valid chain. (Be careful!)

Good luck.
Yilmaz Ekici (Admin)

  7.Week  |  progheal  |  27.06.2009 15:16:55
In the Optimization puzzle, is a "chain" consists of only 1 honeycomb valid? Since it's unclear whether this chain violates rule 2 or not.

  7.Week  |  AYK  |  27.06.2009 13:51:02
I only want to solve optimization puzzle not want to get best score then this time for this week. It is really hard to get good score I think. Right now, I congratulte every competitors that can solve by leave no empty honeycombs and applaud Yılmaz for this great puzzle. I have one more week but I haven't more time and effort to best solution. I will send my best score dispprovingly this weekend. Good luck to all. Aykut.

  7.Week  |  Gregor  |  26.06.2009 00:18:58
Optimization puzzle of this week is great.

It's my favorite puzzle in this season.

  7.Week  |  admin  |  25.06.2009 23:23:23
Thanks majkl.
Good luck to all.

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  7.Week  |  majkl  |  25.06.2009 20:21:25
Optimisation puzzle is the best puzzle so far!
Keep good work.

  7.Week  |  AfYoK  |  24.06.2009 22:13:49
bu benim ilk çözeceğim soru olacak da ben cevabı bayağı uçuk buldum acaba doğru mu ki
şimdiden tşk

  7.Week  |  torrent  |  22.06.2009 23:33:05

Taner sen sanırım ilk soruyu yaptın ondan rahatsın:) İlk optimizasyondan ben de çok düşük aldım ama bu sefer 300 puan almaya karar verdim:)
Önerin kulağa hoş geliyor. Buluşulabilir tabi ama zannediyorum ki sen İstanbul'da yaşıyorsun.Herkes için çok kolay olamayabilir ama gelme şansı olanlar için de güzel bir fırsat olur diye düşünüyorum.Ben İzmir'de yaşıyorum ama böyle bir fırsat olursa gelmeye çalışırım.

Bol şanslar,


  7.Week  |  taneryasa  |  21.06.2009 23:58:43
herhalde Pictorial soru ile uğraşan yok.
enson 4 puan aldım. hep az puan aldım şu Optimizayon sorularından.
şimdi bekliyecekmiyiz yine 2 Week..
herkese selamlar ve başarılar.
birde arkadaşlar birgün bir araya gelemezmiyiz. hoş olurdu bence.

  7.Week  |  zhergan  |  21.06.2009 01:23:37
Pardon az önce 2 kuralı okuyunca (Bir zincirin ilk peteği ile son peteği, aynı doğrultuda olamaz.) farkettim zaten zincirin 2 petekten oluşamayacağını. Bu noktayı kaçırmışım. Uykusuzluktan olsa gerek:) Görüşmek üzere...


  7.Week  |  zhergan  |  21.06.2009 01:20:54

Benim optimizasyon sorusu ile ilgili bir sorum olacaktı. Bir zincir en az 3 petekten oluşmak zorunda mı? Örneklerde bu şekilde verilmiş. 2 petekten oluşan zincir bulunmuyor ancak bu kısım soruda belirtilmemiş. Hataya meyil vermemek için sorayım dedim. Güzel sorular için teşekkürler. Herkese kolay gelsin...


  7.Week  |  admin  |  21.06.2009 01:03:03
Thanks progheal,

Now, you can find the answer to your question, at the sample score calculations' corrected results.

Good luck to all.
Yilmaz (ADMIN)

  7.Week  |  progheal  |  21.06.2009 00:45:21
About the score calculation:
How is the calculated score to be rounded?
In the six samples, the top-right one has the score of 7x10x8x5x4/3 = 3733.33333, which you list 3733;
the bottom-left one has the score of 7x3x5/22 = 4.77273, which you list 4.8;
the bottom-center one has the score of 14x5x4x3/11 = 76.36364, which you list 76.4;
and the bottom-right one has the score of 10x8x7/12 = 46.66667, which you lists 46.6.
From the first three of them, they suggest a round-to-nearest-integer method, but the last one doesn't follow this (it's chopped despite that the second digit after decimal point is 6). Additionally, the top-right sample rounds the score to integer, while the bottom ones round the score to first digit after decimal point. So what is the rounding method of score calculation?

  6.Week  |  nely  |  18.06.2009 22:42:18
Great puzzle.
Thanks Yilmaz.

  6.Week  |  efb  |  18.06.2009 11:02:41

  6.Week  |  ayferaksin  |  17.06.2009 22:00:18
Soruyu çok beğendim.

  6.Week  |  hikmetx  |  16.06.2009 21:45:47
Harika bir soru.
Gizli ifade güzel gizlenmiş.
Öğretici yanı da ayrı güzel.
Araştırmaya yönlendirmesi de artısı.

Keşke okuduğumuz yıllarda öğretmenlerimiz bize böyle öğretici sorular sorsaydı ve bir çok yönümüzü geliştirmemize yardım etselerdi.

Umarım yeni nesil öğretmenler bu misyonu üstlenirler.

Yılmaz Bey, bu güzel soru için çok teşekkürler.

Herkese başarılar.

  6.Week  |  littlegirl  |  16.06.2009 21:38:55
Great puzzle as usual.
Thanks Yilmaz.

Helen fro UK.

  6.Week  |  ricardodk  |  14.06.2009 10:22:10
Great puzzle... congratulations.

  6.Week  |  taneryasa  |  14.06.2009 01:25:37

  6.Week  |  zhergan  |  14.06.2009 00:36:55
Great puzzle again. Thanks Yilmaz one more time. Good luck to all...


  5.Week  |  jreid  |  07.06.2009 23:07:48
Another great puzzle! Thanks for the fun.


  5.Week  |  littlegirl  |  07.06.2009 17:36:16
Great puzzle.
I enjoyed it.


Helen from UK.

  5.Week  |  admin  |  07.06.2009 17:32:25
You can download the score details file of the opt. puzzle from the link below. (Week 4)


Optimizasyon sorusuna ait skor detay dosyasını yukarıdaki linkten indirebilirsiniz. (4.Week)

Yilmaz Ekici, ADMIN

  5.Week  |  admin  |  07.06.2009 08:54:41
@ progheal,
Yes, you are right. It is a typo.
Thank you for your correction, again.

Good luck to all.

Yilmaz Ekici, ADMIN

  5.Week  |  progheal  |  07.06.2009 03:31:57
From the description:

Additionally, there are the other cells you have to scribble. But non of these cells cannot form a square cluster.

Should it be "But non of these cells can form a square cluster" ?
The double negation may suggests us that these additional black cells CAN form a square, although I guess that you actually mean they SHOULD NOT.

  5.Week  |  taneryasa  |  07.06.2009 02:00:26
selamlar herkese
saat 2 ve cevap gönderildi
yarın SBS de görevliyim beni sabah uyandırabilecek biri lazım.
telefon yeter inş.

  5.Week  |  admin  |  07.06.2009 01:31:25
@ alibyk,

Sorular, server saati 00:00:00'ı gösterdiği anda otomatik olarak yayınlanmaktadır.

Anlaşılan server saati biraz geç kalmış. P.tesi günü host şirketine konu iletilip, düzeltilecektir.

Yarışmada başarılar...

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  5.Week  |  alibyk  |  07.06.2009 00:01:21
saat 12:07 yeni soru nerde.

  4.Week  |  admin  |  31.05.2009 13:07:06
@ renatoab,
The answer and solution of the pictorial puzzle will be published with the optimization's solution.


Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  4.Week  |  renatoab  |  31.05.2009 06:13:55
how about the pictorial puzzle of week 4? won't the answer be published after the time limit?

  4.Week  |  admin  |  28.05.2009 01:13:18
There is the new bonus rule at the Competition Rules:

To get speed bonuses, your score must be at least 50% of the highest score.


Yarışma kurallarına yeni bir kural eklendi:

Hız bonuslarını kazanabilmek için elde ettiğiniz skorun, en yüksek skorun en az %50'si olması gerekmektedir.

  4.Week  |  admin  |  26.05.2009 20:34:32
@ progheal,
Thank you for your correction.
Yes that word is not "blank". It must be black.

Letter "c" had been written as "n", by accident.

It has been corrected.

Good luck!

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  4.Week  |  progheal  |  26.05.2009 16:05:49
In the description of filling the number:

This number is the total computed by moving in the four directions and counting the cells before you reach another blank cell,another white cell, or a another pentomino, or the edge of the grid.

Is 'blank cell' a typo? Should it be 'black cell'? There's no blank cell in the grid since every cell that isn't covered by pentominoes is either has a number or is black.

  4.Week  |  admin  |  25.05.2009 22:55:44
@ puzzlez,
Same answer is valid for you.

Only 3...

Good luck!

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  4.Week  |  admin  |  25.05.2009 22:54:15
@ CopyRight,

No, you cannot count the cells twice.

"Different" means another pentomino.

Good luck!

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  4.Week  |  admin  |  25.05.2009 22:52:08
@ BlueKnight,

Actually, it was explained at the score calculation.

Here is the quote from there:

"...if the numbers at a row are 5, 10, 3 and 7, then write 35710 to side of that row."

Good luck.

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  4.Week  |  puzzlez  |  25.05.2009 14:57:10
Thank you so much for ansering my questions.:-)

Here is the questiton, again:

The Optimization Puzzle of puzzle #4 said "......counting the cells before you reach another blank cell, or a different pentomino, or the edge of the grid."

What does the 'different pentomino' mean?

If I took 2 'X-shape' pentominoes, and put together as followed:


Two of them are not 'diferent'.
Two of them are all the same.

Then, could I fill '6' in the blank 'A'?
or just only '3' is allowed?

  4.Week  |  CopyRight  |  25.05.2009 14:04:27
Hi, I would like to clarify some details about the rules. In the description:
"This number is the total computed by moving in the four directions and counting the cells before you reach another blank cell, or a different pentomino, or the edge of the grid. "

My question is that,
Does a "different" pentomino mean "another" pentimino? If I place 2 of "the same" shape of pentominos nearby, could I count the cells twice when counting (because they are the same pentomino in shape, not different?)?


  4.Week  |  BlueKnight  |  25.05.2009 03:53:10
If I have three numbers in a row and one of them is a two digit number (eg. 1, 7, and 10), would the value on the right be 1710?

  4.Week  |  admin  |  25.05.2009 01:37:43
@ north_lu,

You can see that link below the puzzle:

The list of competitors whose solution emails have been received


  4.Week  |  north_lu  |  25.05.2009 01:10:03

Sorry, I have sent e-mail and the file is attached, but I didn't know the e-mail you got it or not.

Hmm....how can I know??

Thank you

  4.Week  |  admin  |  24.05.2009 23:22:45
@ stefano,
Yes, you're right.


Good luck!

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  4.Week  |  admin  |  24.05.2009 23:21:56
@ JimAbbott,
You must find the answer of this question, by trying.

Good luck!

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  4.Week  |  ZDSIEDLCE  |  24.05.2009 19:03:20
The pentominos may be mirrored and/or rotated ?

  4.Week  |  sf2l  |  24.05.2009 13:18:30
I guess pentominos may be rotated and/or reflected

  4.Week  |  JimAbbott  |  24.05.2009 08:38:35

Will I get a higher score if I use less pentominos?

  4.Week  |  admin  |  24.05.2009 08:15:55
@ north_lu,
You can use one kind of pentominos twice or more.
You must use each of them at least once.

Good luck!

Yilmaz Ekici (Admin)

  4.Week  |  admin  |  24.05.2009 08:15:00
@ puzzlez,
Answer to your 1.st question: "YES".
Answer to your 2.nd question: "YES".

Good luck!

(Yilmaz Ekici) ADMIN

  4.Week  |  north_lu  |  24.05.2009 06:52:04

I want to ask one thing??

Place 12 pentominos below into the grid above, by using each of them "at least once".

It means that I can use one kind of pentominos twice or more??
Or I can only use it just once, no more and no less??

  4.Week  |  puzzlez  |  24.05.2009 06:52:03
Excuse me, I have 2 questions.

1. The clour in the EXCEL file is different from the clour on the web page. Do I have to chang the clour, If I use the EXCEL file?

2.Can I use 13 pentominoes, one of them is duplicated?

  4.Week  |  admin  |  24.05.2009 02:14:16
@ hsnyr,
Elbette kullanabilirsiniz.
Örneklerde, pembe renkli pentominonun ayna görüntüsü kullanılmıştı, gözünüzden kaçmış olmalı.


Yılmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  4.Week  |  hsnyr  |  24.05.2009 01:45:26
Yılmaz Bey,
Optimizasyon sorusunda pentominoların ayna görüntülerini kullanabilecek miyiz?

  3.Week  |  lynxsdt  |  19.05.2009 11:21:57

İki aşamalı çok güzel tasarlanmış , yalın bir soru .

Cevapların uzun olması , cevapları girerken dikkati daha da önemli hale getiriyor.

Son iki Week da yaptığım giriş hataları , yarışmadaki dikkat öğesini de hatırlatmış oldu.

Zevkli bir maraton için Yılmaz Bey'e teşekkür ediyorum.

  3.Week  |  taneryasa  |  18.05.2009 17:52:55
3. Week için güzel bir soru. okulda fotokopi ile çoğaltıp yaymaya çalışıyorum.

  3.Week  |  denizkaraboga  |  18.05.2009 13:14:10
Her ne kadar Eurovizyona takılıp yanlış cevabı göndermiş olsamda güzel soruydu çözüm mantığıda oldukça kolay ve sade.

  3.Week  |  puzzlez  |  18.05.2009 11:56:16
The puzzle 3 is great.:-)

But I must say...
The server clock is NOT GMT+2.
It should be GMT+3.

  3.Week  |  alibyk  |  18.05.2009 00:02:55
güzel soru özellikle cevap mantıgını çok begendim.

  3.Week  |  shafak  |  17.05.2009 18:43:03
It has been a hard one. Thanks Y. Ekici. Great puzzle.

Ş. Mirioğlu

  3.Week  |  hero475  |  17.05.2009 02:48:11
So interesting!!! Hope my answer is correct. You find something, you are sure about the rule but again couldn't get the answer.
Meanwhile; Congratulations! Norway is the Eurovision winner.

  3.Week  |  tony010386  |  17.05.2009 01:56:10
Hi Yilmaz,

Thank you for your clarification, and the puzzle this week is a very nice one.

After I had been stuck on this puzzle for a while, I decided to take a break and go for a walk. However, just as I was about to leave my room, I suddenly came up with the solution. Unfortunately, I did not figure it out during the first hour.

Thanks again for your interesting puzzles. I am looking forward to the optimization puzzle next week!

Meng-Hsuan Wu

  3.Week  |  admin  |  17.05.2009 01:02:26
Hi Meng-Hsuan,

There is an example for showing only logic of the answer to be entered.

Yes, there are multiple possibble paths in the example. But there is only one valid path in the real puzzle.

You can NOT pick any of those possible paths in the example. You must pick only the path shown for getting the logic of the answer to be entered.

Good luck!

And, Good luck to all!

Yilmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  3.Week  |  tony010386  |  17.05.2009 00:52:30
Hi Yilmaz,

In the example of the puzzle, I think there exist multiple possible paths: We can pass through the 6 and 7 on the 3rd row instead of the 6 and 7 on the 4th row, and we can pass through the 10 on the 5th row instead of the 10 on the 6th row. Can I pick any of those paths in the example?

Meng-Hsuan Wu

  2.Week  |  ali-kilic  |  14.05.2009 18:55:48
ilk günler bir anlam verememiştim.ve vazgeçmiştim.ama şu an fark ettim.çok güzelmiş.teşekkürler yılmaz bey
ali kılıç

  2.Week  |  deliveli  |  12.05.2009 20:21:02
Ben hala geçen Week yaptığım şapşallığa hayıflanıyorum.+269'dan sonra -895+34...yapacağıma +269-34+895 yapmış ve -77967 sayısına ulaşmıştım.Yazık oldu ama ne yapalım, ders çıkarıp önümüzdeki maçlara bakacaz çaresiz:)

  2.Week  |  admin  |  11.05.2009 04:46:01
Hi NikolaZ,
Thank you for informing about flag and name changing of your country.
I've corrected it.

  2.Week  |  NikolaZ  |  10.05.2009 23:08:14
Beside the names of Serbian competitors there is old union flag, and officialy name of country for few years past is Serbia, not Serbia and Montenegro. Please, can you change this?

  2.Week  |  PuzzleScot  |  10.05.2009 17:24:14
Agreed. Last sequence should be with 6x6 boxes.

  2.Week  |  ÇELİK Murat  |  10.05.2009 00:59:49
First of all, thanks for your (admin and editors) time for preparing such a question. But, I may suggest that you may ask the last sequence much harder or confusing than this version. (For example 6*6 boxes.)

  2.Week  |  alibyk  |  10.05.2009 00:42:45
Güzel soru. Görebilen için kolay soru.
Ali Böyük

  2.Week  |  hero475  |  10.05.2009 00:40:00
Guzel bir soru aslinda ama cevabi istenen puzzle icin sorudaki ilginc mantigi tam olarak bulamasak da, cevabi bulabiliyoruz. Bulmacanin mantigini daha iyi yansitacak bir soru sorulabilirdi sonda ama yine de guzel...

  2.Week  |  torrent  |  10.05.2009 00:25:49
It is so easy if you could see it :)

  2.Week  |  taneryasa  |  10.05.2009 00:20:55
Ya kurduğumuz mantıkla 1. olduk yada aceleciliğimizin kurbanı.
tekrar bakacağım soruya ama yarın, herkese iyi geceler.

  1.Week  |  Gianni  |  07.05.2009 00:15:39
I've just heard that the contest start.
No problem, I will gain on the people who get 165 points, in the succeeding weeks. :)

Thanks Yilmaz, for a new great contest.

Good luck to all.


  1.Week  |  admin  |  06.05.2009 22:56:52
Sayın "ı hate ry",
Sorunun sol üst bölümünde içinde bulunulan günün bonus puanı belirtiliyor.
Ayrıca girdiğiniz bir yarışmaya eğer ki önem veriyorsanız, en azından yarışma kurallarını bir kez dikkatlice okumanız gerekmez mi?


Yılmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  1.Week  |  admin  |  06.05.2009 22:54:06
Sayın deliveli,
Genelde soru yapısında şöyle bir format uygulanıyor:

İlk aşama sorunun çözümü,
ikinci aşama girilecek cevabı belirleme.

Pictorial puzzle tipi sorularda çözüm dosyası istenmediği için, soruyu doğru çözdüğünüzü anlamak için sisteme bir cevap girmenizi istiyoruz. Bunu yaparken ise bazen işi biraz daha eğlenceli hale getirmek için, bazen (genelde) ise ikinci aşama olarak dikkatinizi ölçmek için ek bir mantık gizliyoruz cevap formatı içine.
Sizden de bunu bulmanızı istiyoruz...

Gereksiz olduğunu düşündüğünüz bölüm anlayacağınız üzere 2 amaca birden hizmet ediyor:
- Soruyu doğru çözüp çözmediğinizi anlamamızı sağlama,
- Bunu yaparken dikkatinizi ölçme.

Umarım, girilecek cevabı belirlerken, yorumunuzdaki düşüncelerinizin etkisinde kalıp, bunu önemsiz olarak görerek, dikkatsiz davranmamışsınızdır.



Yılmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  1.Week  |  ı hate ry  |  06.05.2009 15:21:42
süper soruda puanın düşüceği bence sorunu bir yerine mutlaka yazılmalıydı

  1.Week  |  deliveli  |  06.05.2009 08:04:25
Soru güzeldi (yoksa biraz fazla mı kolaydı?) fakat cevabı bulmak için yapılan işlemler biraz gereksiz değilmiydi? O kadar uzun işlemler yapmak bana anlamsız geldi açıkçası...

  1.Week  |  deliveli  |  05.05.2009 08:25:26

Turkzeka yarışmasına ilk kez katılıyorum.Sorulara kafa yorup çözmeye kararlıyım.Bütün arkadaşlara başarılar diliyorum.

  1.Week  |  copper  |  05.05.2009 00:00:11
yeniden başladığımız için turkzeka ekibine teşekkür ediyorum.. hoş bir soru ile başlanması da ayrı bir incelik.. başarılar..

  1.Week  |  _selcen_  |  04.05.2009 21:22:38
Sezon başlangıcında gözümüzü çok korkutmak istememiş galiba Yılmaz Bey. Tatlı bir merhaba olmuş..
Ben özellikle yeni dönemde sorunun farklı formatlarda bizlere maillenmesinden duyduğum memnuniyeti ifade etmek istiyorum. Siteye giriş yapamadığımız durumlarda cevabı gönderemesek de soruyu çözmek güzel.

Zihinlerimiz parlasın efem!:)

  1.Week  |  PASAM  |  04.05.2009 18:37:12
:) bu sene ilk kez katılıyorum ama ilk sorudan çok güzel bi etkinlik olduğunu anladım teşekkür ederim.Başarılar millet.

  1.Week  |  rdbektas  |  04.05.2009 16:12:12
Bayağı uğraştım. Ama bir cevabı varmış. Bulunca gördüm yani.

  1.Week  |  MYSToph  |  04.05.2009 16:10:42
I am really happy about a new Turkzeka Championship. It is just my favourite Puzzle competition! Thanks Yilmaz... I look forward to next weeks.

  1.Week  |  CharlieJ  |  03.05.2009 23:22:44
it was easy since it is first puzle.
I think, the puzzles of the following weeks will not easy like this one.

Good luck to everybody.


  1.Week  |  ali-kilic  |  03.05.2009 23:04:15
Elinize sağlık.soru gayet güzeldi.teşekkürler
ali kılıç

  1.Week  |  alibyk  |  03.05.2009 21:02:16
güzel soru elinize sağlık yılmaz abi.

  1.Week  |  zesiro  |  03.05.2009 12:31:27
Great Competition.

  1.Week  |  admin  |  03.05.2009 10:06:23
Great thanks to all commenters, for their nice and warm words.

This competition is nice with all of you.

Good luck to all again...


  1.Week  |  jreid  |  03.05.2009 04:06:47
Welcome back to everyone! It's nice to compete with all of you once again. Good luck with the puzzles!

And a big thank you to Yilmaz for making such good puzzles for us all!

  1.Week  |  angeline  |  03.05.2009 02:12:35
I'm Angeline from Denmark.

Great project!

This is my first participation.
I hope I bring home the bacon :)

Thanks to Turkzeka site administration.

Good luck to all contesters!

  1.Week  |  torrent  |  03.05.2009 01:59:59
Hello all,

It was not hard but although you solve the puzzle, you have to be so careful to not make a mistake.

I think that there will be a lot of mistakes to calculate the result and correct answers will be less than expected.

good luck to all...

Ozturk Yildirim

  1.Week  |  naoko  |  03.05.2009 01:53:29
Nice puzzle.

Thanks Yilmaz for the nice contest again.

Good luck to all contenders

Hello from Japan.


  1.Week  |  admin  |  03.05.2009 01:34:07
Sevgili hsynbrc,
Soruda hata veya eksik açıklama yok, şu ana kadar 22 cevap gelmiş durumda.

Email adresim: turkzeka@turkzeka.com
Bu adresten benimle bağlantı kurabilirsiniz.

Ancak şunu söylemeliyim ki, ek bir açıklama gerektirecek sorular sormayınız.
Size ekstra ipucu verecek cevap verilmeyecektir.

Sorunun neresesinde hata olduğunu düşünüyorsanız belirtin.



  1.Week  |  hsynbrc  |  03.05.2009 01:22:40
Ya açıklama eksik yada soruda hata olduğunu düşünüyorum. Soru hakkında burada yorum yapamıyorum sanırım. Acaba admine özel mesaj atabilirmiyim.

  1.Week  |  admin  |  03.05.2009 01:13:01
Good luck to all competitors!


  1.Week  |  admin  |  03.05.2009 01:12:33
Dear Paolo,
Don't worry. You had entered your answer succesfuly.


  1.Week  |  littlegirl  |  03.05.2009 00:58:21
Good puzzle.
(It wasn't hard.)

Thank you very much Yilmaz.

I miss this contest.

Good luck to all.

Helen from UK.

  1.Week  |  taneryasa  |  03.05.2009 00:56:51
evet acele ile hatalı başlamışım yeni yarışmamız hayırlı olsun herkese başarılar.

  1.Week  |  denizkaraboga  |  03.05.2009 00:52:18
Güzel soruydu. Herkese başarılar.
Good luck to all.

  1.Week  |  Braveheart  |  03.05.2009 00:37:08
I'm Italian and I don't know if I understand how insert the answer...
But I could send the file with the correct solution...
Paolo Grandi(not Gri)

  1.Week  |  admin  |  03.05.2009 00:33:43
Teşekkürler Aykut Bey.

  1.Week  |  AYK  |  03.05.2009 00:31:27
Özlemişiz... Herkese kolaylıklar, keyifli bir yarışma diliyorum. Yılmaz Bey emeğinize sağlık.
Aykut ÖNEN

  1.Week  |  admin  |  03.05.2009 00:27:20
Taner Bey, Soruda hata yok.

Herkese başarılar diliyorum.

Yılmaz Ekici (ADMIN)

  1.Week  |  taneryasa  |  03.05.2009 00:21:02